Tuesday, November 13, 2012


Did I do the right thing? Did I make the right choice? I know I'm not that good, but using the word disappointed..ya, I suppose I would use it on myself as well. Tensed for being expected high.

Time is real tight for me to do everythg so that shall mean I should be used to the place, to the environment, to the time zone, to the culture, in no time. And start with everythg right away. There is no time tolerance for me. Well, I guess I didn't really prepared my mind well enough before I came. I guess I'm a slow fast learner.

Always, there's some pains before I can actually gain..

Friday, November 9, 2012

it's time...


You've been great, but I think we both know it's time I face the world on my own.
突然觉得好像那天我从建伟家出来,要飞来英国时的感受… 虽然人是在牛津,但是还是缺乏那份的真实感。昨晚还梦见我在马来西亚,买不到机票,不能飞了。醒来后才想到自己已经是在牛津了。不知那是一份的失落感还是什么…也许,是还没机会去和人交流。等星期六吧,等下星期吧。

还是要对自己说,it's time I face the world on my own. 当然,还有上帝在陪我,周围再怎么的不顺利,再怎么的不熟悉,神的话我还是熟悉,祂的带领还是最可以依赖的…